Ways to Relieve TMJ Pain 

Temporomandibular joints (TMJ) connect your jawbone to your skull and are used every time you talk, chew, and swallow.  It is common for disorders to occur when something goes wrong with your jaw joints and jaw muscles.  Many times, this is caused by a jaw injury, inflammation such as arthritis, or overuse. Your TMJ pain may even be caused by muscle overactivity that occurs during times of stress, or from clenching and/or grinding your teeth. Luckily, there are a few ways that you can relieve TMJ pain.  

TMJ Disorders Symptoms 

These can range from mild to debilitating depending, and the following symptoms can occur:  

  • Pain while chewing 

  • Pain in the ear, face, jaw, and neck 

  • Clicking, grating, or popping sounds in the jaw when you open or close your mouth 

  • Locking of the jaw joint 

  • Headaches 

Ways You Can Relieve TMJ Pain 

TMJ Exercises.  According to the Journal of Dental Research, participants who suffer from TMJ disc displacement and regularly performed TMJ exercises had a larger mouth opening range than those who only used a night guard.  These exercises have also been proven to strengthen jaw muscles, stretch and relax the jaw, increase jaw mobility, reduce jaw clicking, and promote jaw healing.  Click here to view nine different exercises that can help relieve your TMJ pain and improve the movement of your jaw joints.   

TMJ Massage.  This form of massage therapy focuses primarily on the TMJ, face, neck, and head and includes TMJ myofascial release techniques, trigger point therapy, and remedial massage – all of which can help relieve fascial and TMJ pain.  At Tampa Bay Sports and Medical Massage, our TMJ treatments are non-invasive, and we use a gentle hands-on soft tissue technique that effectively works the fascia to release restrictions.  For more information on our TMJ massage treatments, click here.  

Pain Relievers.  Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen may temporarily  relieve TMJ pain.  Doctors may also prescribe muscle relaxers for severe pain.   

Mouth Guards.  Mouth guards and retainers can help prevent teeth grinding and jaw clenching, especially at night while you sleep.  They can also help realign your jaw.  Although more expensive, it is ideal to have your dentist make a custom guard as opposed to an over-the-counter “one size fits all” piece.   

Simple Lifestyle Changes.  By making simple adjustments to everyday habits, you can help relieve TMJ pain.  You may wish to eat a soft diet to allow the TMJ to relax, avoid chewing gum, avoid biting your nails and lower lip, practice good posture, and limit large jaw movements such as yawning and singing.   

Your TMJ pain symptoms tend to improve with time through these few small changes. If you suffer from TMJ disorders and want to relieve the pain, we can help!  For more information on our TMJ massage services or to schedule a consultation, please call us today at (813) 667-0988.