Sciatica Pain Triggers  

Your sciatic pain flares up when the sciatic nerve roots in your lower back are pinched or irritated. 

Sciatica pain can range from a tolerable ache to excruciating pain, and it doesn’t discriminate where it’ll wreak havoc. It’s an aching pain that affects the sciatic nerve, a large nerve that extends from the lower back down the back of each leg. Our medical massage therapists share common triggers of sciatica pain and symptoms to be aware of. Keep reading! 

How Sciatica Pain Feels 

Most people who get sciatica are between the ages of 30 to 50.  It usually affects only one side of the lower body, with pain most commonly extending from the lower back all the way through the back of the thigh and down through the leg.   

Depending on where the sciatic nerve is affected, the pain may also extend to the foot or toes.  While consequences can be dire for a person that suffers from severe sciatica pain, the good news is that 90% of sciatica sufferers can fully recover without the need for surgery. This includes massage therapy specialized to help relieve chronic sciatica pain.   

Common Symptoms of Sciatica 

  • Lower back pain 

  • Pain in the buttocks or the leg that is typically worse when sitting 

  • Hip pain 

  • Burning or tingling down the leg 

  • Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the leg or foot 

  • A constant pain on side of your buttocks 

  • A shooting pain that makes it difficult to stand 

What May Cause Sciatica Pain? 

Everyday lifestyle habits can trigger sciatica pain, such as being overweight, not exercising regularly, and even wearing high heels. These conditions may also be the root cause of your chronic pain: 

  • Piriformis syndrome – when the piriformis muscle (muscle that connects the lower spine to the upper thighbone and runs directly over the sciatic nerve) spasms in the back or buttocks and puts pressure on the sciatic nerve.  This is often triggered when men wear a large wallet in their back pocket.   

  • Spinal stenosis – natural wear and tear of the vertebrae that is common in adults over age 60. This can lead to narrowing of the spinal canal and puts pressure on the sciatic nerve 

  • Degenerative disc disease/ herniated disc – a breakdown of discs which act as cushions between the vertebrae, gel-like center of a disc pushes through its outer lining and presses on the roots of the sciatic nerve 

  • Spondylolisthesis – a condition in which one vertebra slips forward over another 

  • Injury or infection – can include infection, muscle inflammation, or injury such as a fracture, all of which can put pressure on the sciatic nerve 

  • Pregnancy – typically affects women late in pregnancy when the heavy uterus rests on muscles of the lower back and pelvic floor and spreads tension to the muscles of the upper and lower leg, causing them to swell and put pressure on nearby nerves 

Massage for Sciatic Pain 

Massage therapy is one part of a well-rounded treatment plan. Massage therapy loosens the muscles which helps prevent pinching and irritation. Plus, getting a massage encourages the release of pain-fighting endorphins. This feel-good chemical provides temporary relief from sciatica pain symptoms. 

Call Tampa Bay Sports & Medical Massage 

If you suffer from sciatica pain, we may be able to help.  Our licensed massage therapists at Tampa Bay Sports & Medical Massage will evaluate the problem areas and create a treatment plan using specialized massage techniques. For more information or to schedule an appointment at our South Tampa, FL massage therapy clinic, please contact us today at (813) 667-0988.